This symposium will focus on “challenges and innovations in electrospinning and electrowriting of polymeric nanofibers and microfibers.” Electrospinning is a globally recognized method for producing threads from polymer solutions or polymer melts. It enables the creation of fiber with diameters in the hundreds of nanometers, and non-woven mats from nanofibers. These are broadly used for biomedical and environmental cleanup applications. Recently, in addition to the non-designed fabricates, geometrically designed structures are being manufactured using melt electrowriting. We believe that the symposium will be a great opportunity for all audiences to have an inspired and fruitful discussion on new approaches and fresh findings with these innovative textiles.
This lecture has been closed.
Prof. Dr.
Paul Dalton
This lecture will describe the development of a distinct class of electrohydrodynamic 3D printing, termed melt electrowriting (MEW), for biomedical applications. MEW has been developed with biomaterials in mind and builds on many decades of melt processing for medical devices and textiles from the regulatory perspective. MEW has several perspectives that make it a fascinating high-resolution 3D printing technology for fibres, including the ability to alter the diameter on demand and the exceptional ability to monitor important information during manufacture. The benefit for the biomaterials and biomedical engineering community is a robust, reproducible and low-cost manufacturing technology that will be widely used over the next decade.
Asst. Prof.
Huaizhong Xu
The work related to the addtive manufacturing technology of melt electrowriting that XU is currently dealing with will be introduced. He will also point out the issues that melt electrowriting are facing.
Asst. Prof.
Yuya Ishii
Significant direct/converse electromechanical responses from as-electrospun fiber mats composed of nonpiezoelectric polymers, which do not show electromechanical properties in their film form, are demonstrated.
ポリマーナノファイバー造形物を作製するためのエレクトロスピニングとエレクトロライティング技術の挑戦と革新について焦点を絞り、オンライン国際シンポジウムを開催します。エレクトロスピニングは、ポリマー溶液や溶融体からナノメートルオーダーの径を有するナノファイバーを作る世界的な方法であり、不織布などを作製し医療や環境分野で使われています。最近、不織布マットとは異なり、幾何学的にデザインされた造形物をエレクトロライティング技術により作れるようになりました。この技術を開発したPaul Dalton先生(University of Würzburg, Germany)をお招きし、その科学技術とバイオメディカルへの新たなアプローチをお話いただきます。さらに京都工芸繊維大学の若手研究者に、ナノファイバー化により新たに見出した研究成果を発表していただきます。このシンポジウムでは、革新的なナノファイバー化技術を目にすることができると思います。