入学料免除?徴収猶予の申請について【私費外国人留学生?春入学】/Registration fee Payment Exemption/Postponement (for spring admissions)

入学料免除?徴収猶予の申請について【私費外国人留学生?春入学】/Registration fee Payment Exemption/Postponement (for spring admissions)

The application procedures for the Registration fee payment exemption and postponement for international students those newly enrolling in April 2025 are as follows.

申請要項 Application Guidelines

Please download the application guidelines below and read carefully it and complete the procedure within the specified period.

令和7年4月入学者用 入学料免除?入学料徴収猶予申請要項【私費外国人留学生対象】※令和6年6月4日掲載
Registration Fee Payment Exemption Application guidelines for students newly enrolled as of April 2025 【Privately Funded International Students】 (PDF) Published June 4, 2024

申請手続 Application Process

Please submit a provisional application at the time of admission procedures, and then submit the main application by the designated date. The final application requires both “Web Input” and “Document submission”.
*The application process is not complete with only “Preliminary Application”.
*If you do not submit the necessary documents for “Final Application” by the designated date, you will not be considered for registration fee exemption or postponement.

申請書類 Application Form

In addition to the documents printed out after completing the web Input, please download and submit the application documents as necessary from the following links, according to the “Application Guidelines” above.

[Form8] Payment Certificate
[Form9] Basic Salary Certificate

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TEL: 075-724-7143(平日8:30-17:00)
E-mail: shogaku[at]jim.kit.ac.jp (※[at]を@に変換してください)